Thursday 30 September 2010

SWOT Analysis


Have Completed 2 years ONC and awarded Double Distinction
2 years practical experience within engineering, manufacturing based working in a maintenaince role
Also as a hobby i take part in motorsport mechanicing, which aids mechanical understanding
Good memory, and able to pick up on the important and relevant points


Time managment + organisation
Very busy lifestyle
Struggle with revision for exams
slow at learning new things inparticularly maths
More of a hands on learner so struggle sitting in lectures


Doing this foundation degree will open more doors in the future for me
Will enable me to finish my apprenteceship and become qualified
Improve my study skills and other interpersonal skills i will need at work


Worried that university is going to stop me doing my hobbies
Work monday to friday full time, so dont always have alot of time to complete homework
May be moving house soon, which will take up alot of time
Not done any formal exams for qualification in 3 years so exam techniqie and revision technique is slightly rusty.

1 comment:

  1. Yes hobbies may have to take to the background for a while!
    But think of the future opportunites yo have identified!
