Saturday 16 October 2010

Literature review

Manufacturing Vs Pollution

The increase in manufacturing globally has been rapid over the past century, countries that didn't even have electricity 100 years ago are now global hubs of manufacturing, boosting their economy and changing their countries position in the world hierarchy.
This global obsession with manufacturing, how much is it costing the environment, animals and ourselves? "Air Pollution's Impact On The Heart Is As Bad As Having Been A Smoker" (New york medical centre and school of medicine 2003). This paper studies the impact that airborne pollution specifically from industrial processes has on human health.
But is our own health the only thing we should worry about? We have all heard of the environmental impacts of industrial pollution, industrial disasters costing dozens of lives and devastating areas.
"Uncontrolled economic development in the Third World will lead to environmental disaster." (The Debatebase book 2007) this is a debate discussing the pro's and cons of economic growth against environmental conservation.
Do we even need to manufacture? the human race was fine before this industrial boom, we were sustainable and so was the planet. Most of the things we manufacture are to make our lives easier, not possible. "we need a new economic model that allows the human population as a whole to thrive without having to rely on ultimately impossible endless increases in consumption" (Andrew Simms, Victoria Johnson 2010). So is it possible to live our lives the way we do now with zero pollution? "decoupling is only possible to a certain level." (Tim jackson 2009) Prof. Jacksons book explores the social and environment impacts of economic growth.

References and Citations

New York University Medical Center And School Of Medicine (2003, December 16). Air Pollution's Impact On The Heart Is As Bad As Having Been A Smoker. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 15, 2010, from /releases/2003/12/031216074538.htm

The Debatebase book (2007 June 05) last modified (2010 June 19)

Growth isnt possible report by Andrew Simms, Victoria Johnson (2010).

Prosperity Without Growth (book) - Chapter 5 decoupling Myth. Tim Jackson (2009 November)

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad review of your topic, but i would have liked to have read a little on the pro side of your debate.Obviously your research and what you draw from this review will (or should) end in a paper that shows your conclusions from this debate.
