Wednesday 3 November 2010

My Mentor

As part of my apprenteceship scheme, i have a mentor. This person acts as like my "go to man", any problems i have throughout my apprenteceship i can go and address this person, so i felt as we already have a good bond i could ask him to be my mentor for university. Hes is an electrical breakdown technician, which is basically what i will be when i've finished my apprenteceship, this is great because not only can he help me with everyday queries, he is also a great help to me on the shop floor, showing me the ropes. Also he has had 25 years experience in the field, so he knows the pros and cons, he knows the score so he can advise me best on action to take, the people to go to etc so he is someone i can really look up too.
Personal tutorial with John nash discussing my acedemic paper was good, we discussed different options to me, i proposed my idea to him which we then explored different avenues that i could 'branch off' in my paper - though being careful not too start beating around the bush, get the research in, good quality quotes, get the key points/facts in and get to the point (and reference). Which i felt useful, you need a spark to ignite a flame so its always helpful when somebody gives you a few ideas that allow you to explore what is currently occuring in your chosen subject.

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