Monday 6 December 2010

How my Mentor Has helped me.

As I am currently on an apprenticeship at work, there are 2 main things i need to learn before I finish my apprenticeship, the first being the hand skills necessary to carry out my job and second being the knowledge and know-how to be able to fault find a break down and fix it adequately. With having just started my 3rd year of my apprenticeship I felt I'd already learnt most of the hand skills needed, but lacked the breakdown knowledge I needed to become a fully-fledged technician. So I consulted my mentor on this, to which he agreed, and decided the best option would for me to go onto shift and shadow a breakdown technician and after a while then start doing breakdowns myself to get the exposure to the skills I will need and the pressure of the production environment. My mentor went through the process with me that I must use if I want to go onto shift and also the way of presenting the reasons why it is important that i go onto shift (manufacturing). As he is my mentor and in a way represents me at work, once id highlighted my issues to my manager and the production manager, my mentor is then the one that drove forward the application for me to go on shift. I will be starting on shift on the 1st of January for 1 year, which will take me into my 4th year of my apprenticeship and should give me a much better in detail understand of manufacturing systems and processes. (261)

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