Monday 6 December 2010

How my Mentor Has helped me.

As I am currently on an apprenticeship at work, there are 2 main things i need to learn before I finish my apprenticeship, the first being the hand skills necessary to carry out my job and second being the knowledge and know-how to be able to fault find a break down and fix it adequately. With having just started my 3rd year of my apprenticeship I felt I'd already learnt most of the hand skills needed, but lacked the breakdown knowledge I needed to become a fully-fledged technician. So I consulted my mentor on this, to which he agreed, and decided the best option would for me to go onto shift and shadow a breakdown technician and after a while then start doing breakdowns myself to get the exposure to the skills I will need and the pressure of the production environment. My mentor went through the process with me that I must use if I want to go onto shift and also the way of presenting the reasons why it is important that i go onto shift (manufacturing). As he is my mentor and in a way represents me at work, once id highlighted my issues to my manager and the production manager, my mentor is then the one that drove forward the application for me to go on shift. I will be starting on shift on the 1st of January for 1 year, which will take me into my 4th year of my apprenticeship and should give me a much better in detail understand of manufacturing systems and processes. (261)

Wednesday 3 November 2010

My Mentor

As part of my apprenteceship scheme, i have a mentor. This person acts as like my "go to man", any problems i have throughout my apprenteceship i can go and address this person, so i felt as we already have a good bond i could ask him to be my mentor for university. Hes is an electrical breakdown technician, which is basically what i will be when i've finished my apprenteceship, this is great because not only can he help me with everyday queries, he is also a great help to me on the shop floor, showing me the ropes. Also he has had 25 years experience in the field, so he knows the pros and cons, he knows the score so he can advise me best on action to take, the people to go to etc so he is someone i can really look up too.
Personal tutorial with John nash discussing my acedemic paper was good, we discussed different options to me, i proposed my idea to him which we then explored different avenues that i could 'branch off' in my paper - though being careful not too start beating around the bush, get the research in, good quality quotes, get the key points/facts in and get to the point (and reference). Which i felt useful, you need a spark to ignite a flame so its always helpful when somebody gives you a few ideas that allow you to explore what is currently occuring in your chosen subject.

VARK Questionnaire

1. You are about to give directions to a person who is standing with you. She is staying in a hotel in town and wants to visit your house later. She has a rental car. I would -
a. draw a map on paper
b. tell her directions
c. write down the directions (without map)
d. collect her from the hotel in my car

2. You are not sure whether a world should be spelled 'dependent' or 'dependant' i would:
a. look it up in a dictionary
b. see the word in my mind and choose by the way it looks
c. sound it in my mind
d. write both versions down on paper and choose one

3. You have just received a copy of your itinerary for a world trip. This is of interest to a friend. I would:
a. phone her immediately
b. send her a copy of the printed itinerary
c. show her on a map of the world
d. share what i plan to do at each place i visit

4. You are going to cook something as a special treat for your family. I would:
a. cook something familiar without the need for instructions
b. thumb through the cookbook looking for ideas from the pictures
c. refer to a specific cookbook

5. A group of tourists has been assigned to you to find out about wildlife reserves or parks. I would:
a. drive them to a wildlife park or reserve
b. show them slides and photographs
c. give them pamphlets or a book on wildlife reserves or parks
d. give them a talk on wildlife reserves or parks

6. You are about to purchase a new stereo. Other than price, what would most influence your decision?
a. the salesperson telling you what you want to know
b. reading the details about it
c. playing with the controls and listening to it
d. it looks really smart and fashionable

7. Recall a time in your life when you learned how to do something like play a new board game. Try to avoid choosing a physical skills such as riding a bike. I learnt best by:
a. visual clues -- pictures, diagrams, charts
b. written instructions
c. listening to somebody explaining it
d. doing it or trying it

8. You have an eye problem. I would prefer the doctor to:
a. tell me what is wrong.
b. show me a diagram of what is wrong.
c. use a model to show me what is wrong.

9. You are about to learn to use a new program on a computer. I would:
a. sit down at the keyboard and begin to experiment with thee programs features.
b. read the manual which comes with the program
c. telephone a friend and ask questions about it

10. You are staying in a hotel and have a rental car. You would like to visit friends whose address/location you do not know. I would like them to:
a. draw me a map on paper
b. tell me the directions
c. write down the directions (without a map)
d. collect me from the hotel in their car

11. Apart from the price, what would most influence your decision to buy a particular textbook?
a. i have used a copy before
b. a friend talking about it
c. quickly reading parts of it
d. the way it looks is appealing

12. A new movie has arrived in town. What would most influence your decision to go (or not to go)?
a. i heard a radio review about it
b. i read a review about it
c. i saw a preview of it

13. Do you prefer a lecturer or teacher who likes to use:
a. a textbook, handouts, readings
b. flow diagrams, charts, graphs
c. field trips, labs, practical sessions
d. discussion, guest speakers

A category
B category
C category
D category



































Total number of V's =5
Total number of A's =0
Total number of R's =6
Total number of K's =5

This questionnaire suggests i have a preference towards a "reading/writing" style of learning, with kinesthetic and Visual styles following very closely. I personally disagree with how the results of this questionnaire represent how i learn. I feel i prefer a kinesthetic way of learning and visual so i would have expected these 2 too come out ontop? maybe this is due to the questions and my take on how to answer them, im sure they are very cleverly aimed to manipulate my brain to reveal how i learn, but i cant help feeling some of the questions are testing your morals rather than how you learn! e.g. do you give a girl who is from out of town a lift.
However back to the point, id agree that i do not use or like aural means of learning, i find it very hard to sit there and listen to somebody talk about a subject, not because i find it hard to understand what they are talking about or VISUALISE what they are saying, but because i loose focus and concentration and end up not taking all the information in and i would say this is down to me prefering to be 'doing', hence my job and hobbies as a factory technician/ motorsport mechanic.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Literature review

Manufacturing Vs Pollution

The increase in manufacturing globally has been rapid over the past century, countries that didn't even have electricity 100 years ago are now global hubs of manufacturing, boosting their economy and changing their countries position in the world hierarchy.
This global obsession with manufacturing, how much is it costing the environment, animals and ourselves? "Air Pollution's Impact On The Heart Is As Bad As Having Been A Smoker" (New york medical centre and school of medicine 2003). This paper studies the impact that airborne pollution specifically from industrial processes has on human health.
But is our own health the only thing we should worry about? We have all heard of the environmental impacts of industrial pollution, industrial disasters costing dozens of lives and devastating areas.
"Uncontrolled economic development in the Third World will lead to environmental disaster." (The Debatebase book 2007) this is a debate discussing the pro's and cons of economic growth against environmental conservation.
Do we even need to manufacture? the human race was fine before this industrial boom, we were sustainable and so was the planet. Most of the things we manufacture are to make our lives easier, not possible. "we need a new economic model that allows the human population as a whole to thrive without having to rely on ultimately impossible endless increases in consumption" (Andrew Simms, Victoria Johnson 2010). So is it possible to live our lives the way we do now with zero pollution? "decoupling is only possible to a certain level." (Tim jackson 2009) Prof. Jacksons book explores the social and environment impacts of economic growth.

References and Citations

New York University Medical Center And School Of Medicine (2003, December 16). Air Pollution's Impact On The Heart Is As Bad As Having Been A Smoker. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 15, 2010, from /releases/2003/12/031216074538.htm

The Debatebase book (2007 June 05) last modified (2010 June 19)

Growth isnt possible report by Andrew Simms, Victoria Johnson (2010).

Prosperity Without Growth (book) - Chapter 5 decoupling Myth. Tim Jackson (2009 November)

Thursday 30 September 2010

SWOT Analysis


Have Completed 2 years ONC and awarded Double Distinction
2 years practical experience within engineering, manufacturing based working in a maintenaince role
Also as a hobby i take part in motorsport mechanicing, which aids mechanical understanding
Good memory, and able to pick up on the important and relevant points


Time managment + organisation
Very busy lifestyle
Struggle with revision for exams
slow at learning new things inparticularly maths
More of a hands on learner so struggle sitting in lectures


Doing this foundation degree will open more doors in the future for me
Will enable me to finish my apprenteceship and become qualified
Improve my study skills and other interpersonal skills i will need at work


Worried that university is going to stop me doing my hobbies
Work monday to friday full time, so dont always have alot of time to complete homework
May be moving house soon, which will take up alot of time
Not done any formal exams for qualification in 3 years so exam techniqie and revision technique is slightly rusty.

Learning Line